Wednesday, April 2, 2014

So excited!! Some new events in my life.

So The other day I got this gem!
Now I'm thinking I'd like to make a youtube series with it, who would like to wreck it with me??
I'm excited about this because I've been wanting one for so long!!

I also got this done the same day I got my industrial done, I've wanted it since I was 14!
I was both nervous and very excited to get it done! I'm LOVING it!!!
So what happened to recently in your life?
What exciting new things?
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!
Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Transformation Tuesday:2009-Now

Hello lovelys,
I thought I would share some of transformation I've made since 2009.
I've always been a goofy child, but I'm learning now how much of an adult I've become!
I will always be a free spirit though, because I love myself a great adventure!

Have a wonderful day everyone, and Looking forward to seeing more post like these from everyone.
I love to see the way people change through life!
Also I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but I'm back now and have so much to share!
Lady Chaos (Courtney)