Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dreamer, Dream with your heads in the clouds

I thought I would post a short post on whats been on my mind lately.
I have so many dreams that I want to accomplish in my life time, but here are the top two I've come up with lately. I'm never going to give up on my dreams, and nor should anyone else that knows what they want to do with there life.!
#1 become a photographer
#2 be friends with someone(s) from a band....
I have some crazy dreams about becoming a photographer/music promoter....*sigh*

I hope you all dream big, and follow them!
Have a great night guys
-Love Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Hey guys,
Just wanted to make a short post about my tumblr page.
Follow me on tumblr!
I spend a lot of time on tumblr, Not sure why I'm so attracted to it. I guess it's because I'm into photography and that's the majority of what is on tumblr.
Have a great night!
-Love Lady Chaos (Courtney) 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The love of my life: Cyrus

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I know it's been a while since the last post, but I've been so busy with work lately.
Today I decided to post something different, I wanted to share something with you guys.
This little guy right here is Cyrus,I've had him for about two years.
He is my 2 year old dachshund! This photo was taken on may fourth also known as Star wars day
or May the fourth be with you! I have to say that this little guy is what keeps me going every day.
I've had a lot of stress lately with work, and some people whom I though were friends.
He reminds me that good things do happen in life, and I don't know where I would be without this guy.
I hope you guys are all having a wonderful week, and that you always remember that there is something in life that will keep you going. Never give up, and appreciate the little things in life. 
-Lady Chaos(Courtney)