Wednesday, September 3, 2014

All You Need Is Love

Hello Guys and Gals sorry I haven't been posting a whole lot lately!
I've has a lot of exciting things going on as of late. Though I do have a new set of photo shoot pictures to share with you guys. A friend reach out to me a month ago asking if I would do some anniversary photos for her and her boyfriend, and of course I took it! This couple is such a lovely couple and I just had to share the results with you guys.

 I have to say both locations were perfect and the time of day this was taken was fantastic, these two are the definition of love! You can almost feel how in love they are when you look at these photos.

All you need is love, honesty and trust! I hope these too always remember this, and are happy like this the rest of their lives. I can't wait to do more photo shoot with these to because I was so much fun and they really are the perfect photo/couple I know.
I hope you always tell the person you love how much they mean to you, and smile, share a laugh, and just enjoy each others company because that person could become your whole world.
- Love Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wedding by the sea

So I recently got to photograph a wedding, but this wasn't just any wedding! 
I got to photograph the wedding of the woman whom is like my other mother.
Everything about this wedding was beautiful location, dresses, and most importantly the bride.

Of course there was a wonderful reception after this beautiful seaside wedding.
So much food, and fun for all and a beautiful wedding cake.

 I hope to have more opportunitys like this to photograph wonderful memories, and to capture the true love of two people. Congratz again you guys, and I hope you may always be as happy as you were the day you got married. 
Love-Lady Chaos(Courtney)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Girly/Fancy Plugs (Etsy Picks/input?)

Hey Loves,
So lately I've been wanting to update my body Jewelry collection,and I think I'm going to start with my plugs.
I usually buy whatever ones I like in the mall stores, but I really wanted to brand out and get something more girly/fancy. These are the four choices I found that I really like, but the hard part is picking a single pair not all four. I would love some input from you lovely's, which one's do you think are the best/cutest!
Also what fun Jewelry have you or do you want to update your Jewelry collection? Also what are your feeling on Body Mod's? What Body Mods do you currently have?
Have a wonderful day/Night wherever you may be!
Lady Chaos(Courtney)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Etsy wishes!!

Hello Loves,
I thought I would post something different since I "window" shop on Etsy a lot, I thought this would be the perfect time to share some of my Favorited things I have on there. These are five of the thing I've been eye balling lately and thought I would share them with everyone.

Leafy stag necklace-Deer Jewelry- Woodland necklace- $23.20
I think the reason I really am drawn to this is because it reminds me of woodland creatures, and to me it looks like something a fairy or elf would wear. I'm absolutely in love with elf's so it's just perfect in every way.

Istagram Purse- Love IG (original colors)-$33.00
This goes without saying I really love instagram! I love camera's, and photography as well because it's one of my favorite hobbies! I also think this bag is really cute.

Dark Nebula galaxy tights- Black ombre tights, sheer leggings- $24.00
I'm in love with anything galaxy print and I especially love these because they are dark print instead of being bright multicolored print like most galaxy prints you see. I also think these could go with just about anything you could pair it up with.

Game of Thrones rings- My sun & Stars Moon of my life-$100.00
These are Stirling silver bands that are meant to be a his and hers set. I really enjoy these because this show has basically become a very important part in mine and my husbands life. We both really love the show and we say this quote to each other regularly.

Pokemon Clip on bow tie for men-??
I love pokemon! I've loved is since I was a child, and yes I know this product says for men but I would find something to wear this with. I think it is uni-sex and that women can wear bow ties to is they want to!!! 

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this post, sorry this is only my first post like this I'm still trying to get the hang of things. I really want to branch out and post a varity of things on here! Have a lovely night, and never stop dreaming!!! 
-Love, Lady Chaos(Courtney)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dreamer, Dream with your heads in the clouds

I thought I would post a short post on whats been on my mind lately.
I have so many dreams that I want to accomplish in my life time, but here are the top two I've come up with lately. I'm never going to give up on my dreams, and nor should anyone else that knows what they want to do with there life.!
#1 become a photographer
#2 be friends with someone(s) from a band....
I have some crazy dreams about becoming a photographer/music promoter....*sigh*

I hope you all dream big, and follow them!
Have a great night guys
-Love Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Hey guys,
Just wanted to make a short post about my tumblr page.
Follow me on tumblr!
I spend a lot of time on tumblr, Not sure why I'm so attracted to it. I guess it's because I'm into photography and that's the majority of what is on tumblr.
Have a great night!
-Love Lady Chaos (Courtney) 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The love of my life: Cyrus

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I know it's been a while since the last post, but I've been so busy with work lately.
Today I decided to post something different, I wanted to share something with you guys.
This little guy right here is Cyrus,I've had him for about two years.
He is my 2 year old dachshund! This photo was taken on may fourth also known as Star wars day
or May the fourth be with you! I have to say that this little guy is what keeps me going every day.
I've had a lot of stress lately with work, and some people whom I though were friends.
He reminds me that good things do happen in life, and I don't know where I would be without this guy.
I hope you guys are all having a wonderful week, and that you always remember that there is something in life that will keep you going. Never give up, and appreciate the little things in life. 
-Lady Chaos(Courtney)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

So excited!! Some new events in my life.

So The other day I got this gem!
Now I'm thinking I'd like to make a youtube series with it, who would like to wreck it with me??
I'm excited about this because I've been wanting one for so long!!

I also got this done the same day I got my industrial done, I've wanted it since I was 14!
I was both nervous and very excited to get it done! I'm LOVING it!!!
So what happened to recently in your life?
What exciting new things?
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!
Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Transformation Tuesday:2009-Now

Hello lovelys,
I thought I would share some of transformation I've made since 2009.
I've always been a goofy child, but I'm learning now how much of an adult I've become!
I will always be a free spirit though, because I love myself a great adventure!

Have a wonderful day everyone, and Looking forward to seeing more post like these from everyone.
I love to see the way people change through life!
Also I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but I'm back now and have so much to share!
Lady Chaos (Courtney)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nature/Weather of instagram (photos by me)

Hello Lovely,
Once again here is another post of some of my favorite photos from 2012- to now.
I think I might make this one a two subject one because, This one is coming to be a little bit of a combo because I didn't have a lot of nature/ weather photos.
I have to say that the photo on the right is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken weather related, and the one on the right was this random piece of what I'm guessing is either a building or a bridge.
These ice pictures are actually from one of the big storms we had here in the us(Maine), it was real thick heavy ice. Even though it's so dangerous I still think all forms of weather can be beautiful in there own way.
What are some of your favorite weather/nature pictures you've ever taken?
Have a lovely day where ever you are, and stay safe in whatever weather you are enduring right now.
Courtney (Lady Chaos)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Flowers of instagram (my photos)

Hello Lovely's!
So I was looking through some of my old Instagram photos from 2012 to now.
I thought I would share some of my favorite moments... I obviously can't share them all because I have like over 400 photos, but I'm going to pick some from then to now!!
I think I'm going to post this in categories or titles above them all!

 So these are all the flowers I've shared on instagram up to this day, I'm sure one spring is offically Sprung here is the USA I'll have more on instagram. Like I said these are all photos from 2012- to today. I just figured I would share some of my memories since I was looking through! Keep an eye out for my other instagram categorized photo blogs <3
Courtney (lady Chaos)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

20 Question (tag)

 Hello Lovely people!
Today I decided to go ahead and make my second youtube video.
I used my Iphone to record this video so it's some what better quality, 
But again this is only my second video so the angles may not be just right yet!
Anyways for my second video I decided to do the 20 Question [Tag],
I found this on google and saw that a few others had done it so I gave it a shot!
For some reason My Iphone didn't post all of the video, but I'll post it anyways.
I'm also going to answer the the questions on her as well!

Here are the Questions:
1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
2. Favorite brand of makeup?
3. Favorite flower?
4. Favorite clothing store?
5. Favorite perfume ?
6. Heels or flats?
7. Do you make good grades?
8. Favorite colors?
9. Do you drink energy drinks?
10. Do you drink juice?
11. Do you like swimming?
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
13. Favorite moisturizer?
14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
15. Do you get mad easily?
16. Are you into ghost hunting?
17. Any phobias?
18. Do you bite your nails?
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
20. Do you drink coffee?

1.I can't leave my house without my phone! It's basically my lifeline
2.Don't really have a favorite music brand, but the one I used was E.L.F. (Eyes, Lips,Face)
3.I don't really have a favorite flower,but I think if I had to pick would be roses because they smell wonderful
4.I don't have a favorite because I got to pretty much every store in the mall, but if I had to pick my top three it would be HotTopic, Spencers, and Charlotte Russe.If you haven't checked out Charlotte Russe you should because they are a wonderful store and they always have sales going on.
5. I think my favorite would have to be Coconut Passion by Victoria Secrets.
6.I would have to say if you looked into my closet you would seen many flat type shoes and only one pair of heels that I've had since I was in high school.
7. Well, I'm not currently is school because I graduated last spring, and I'm not currently in college so I would have to assume yes.
8.Lime green and Purple
9.Not very regular when I was younger I used to drink them a lot, you could say I was probably addicted. Now I drink them once in a while.
10.Again not very often, but more so then energy drinks.
11. I love swimming I grew Up near the water, and its my favorite thing to do in the summertime.
12.No, I don't believe I've ever ate fries with a fork.
13.I don't have a favorite moisturizer 
14/ I'm already married, I actually got married on september 17,2013.
.15.Yes, I tend to get mad easy! I'm slowly working on that though.
16. I've watched every ghost hunting show on tv, but I've never personally done it. I think it would be fun to try some day though.
17.I'm deathly afraid of the dark, and spiders.
18.Yes, its a nervous thing!
19.When I was younger I live in a small town that you could literally walk any and everywhere. One day I was crossing the road with my friends to go to the store, and I almost got hit by a car because they didn't stop.
20. I've tried coffee, but I don't care for it because it makes me sick. So, no I don't drink coffee it's not for me!
Thanks for reading!
-Love Courtney (Lady Chaos)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


     Hey guys,
        Sorry I haven't posted anything a a few weeks, but I've been really sick lately and there has just been a lot of negative things happening lately. Even though all these negative things are happening I'm trying to look at the positive in every situation. Also I'm trying to find a new job because let just say my current one isn't quite what I'm looking for in life.I feel a little bad because I haven't been keeping up with my blog, my photography/art, you tube now for a few weeks/ months. I guess that's what winter does to some people.

       On a brighter note some rather positive things have happened lately as well, in fact I just came to find out that I've lost weight which I hadn't even noticed. I'm going to be looking at a "new" car as soon as I get my taxes done, yes it may not be my dream car but at least I'll have something. :]

        I just kind of wanted to update you all on whats be going on, and tell you all that I'm really sorry. I'm going to try to post work on things on my days off more now. I've really been changing my outlook on life lately, and I've really opened up to some new things. I can't wait to share more updates with you guys soon, have a great night all! Also remember to always look at the positives of every negative situation because you never now what you could be missing.

      - Courtney (Lady Chaos)

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Perfect Imperfections

Artwork done by Myself
     So I saw someone else post this on their blog, and they were encouraging others to do it. Basically what this post is about is to basically post three things yourself, and three things you may not like as much. So this is my version of this!SO! Let's start!!!

      3 Things I love:
          1. Creativity: Does this count? I love the creative side of my personality because it allows me to express who I am! I can use different ways such as media, art form, music.. whatever I wish and make it my own. Being creative you can take all your thoughts,feelings, dreams, and wonders and combined them into something wonderful that you can share with everyone. So yes I think this could work!
          2. Eyes: I've always gotten comments on my eyes ever since I was little. I never thought my eyes were special until I got into high school, and realized that eyes are unique things and that that not everyone's are the same. I think I also like them because they can express many things that people don't realize, and my eyes tend to change with how I'm feeling which makes me love them.
          3.Ears: This one might be weird but I really like my ears even though they are very different, I have one ear that is almost like an elf ear because it has a point on it. I think that is the most interesting feature that not many people know about me because I usually have my hair down. Also I love my ears because they are gauged, yes a lot of people have them but they make me feel good because they have a special meaning to me.People always say that gauges have no real meaning, but to me I do because I started doing them when I met my husband.

     3 Imperfections:
        1. Hair: I dislike my hair to a point that it gets me very aggravated this is only because I have like super thin hair, and it makes me feel so self-conscious about myself because I feel like others have beautiful hair and I'm the one stuck with hair you can't do anything with. I also tend to cut it a lot because it always gets to certain length and I get to scared to grow it out any further, and I tend to change the color a lot!
        2. Body: I've never had great confidence in my body because in school I was always picked on by kids because I was bigger. So growing up I was always shown that thin was better and being bigger was something bad. In middle school/ high school I got so depressed I started not eating and working out and dropped a lot of weight. Kids stopped picking on me because I was that BIG girl anymore, but still to this day I don't have great self-coincidence because of the way my peers had treated me, but maybe one day I'll grow out of that and learn to love my body.
        3. Nails: My nails have never been the greatest, but I've tried to get over it. Seeing all my friends growing up being able to do their nails and look beautiful. I felt like every time I did mine they would break or chip, and theirs were always perfect and in place. I've tried fake nails, acrylics,everything but still can't seem to find that one thing that works for me.

     Well, that's My Perfect Imperfections post, I hope that more people do these and that we can all grow to learn to love ourselves. I've noticed I had more to say about the things I didn't like then with the things I did like, but this just goes to show that there is always something we need to learn to love. It's just human nature! Also I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines day, and to be safe in all this nasty weather we are having no matter where you are. XOXO
                                                               - Courtney(Lady Chaos)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

First Blog

Hello Ladies and Gents,
    This is my first official Blog post. I just kind wanted to do an introductions type post. First off I wasn't to say that I'm sorry that my blog isn't very "put" together yet. Right now I've been trying to figure out where I want to go with this, as well as my you tube. As far as now all I know is I think they are both going to be pretty random at the start, and that I have no real "theme" as of thus far.
     I'm thinking I'm going to be posting a lot of the photography work, and exciting adventures I encounter within this journey I call life. I'm really thinking I want to reach out and go past my comfort point and actually try new things. This is the first actual "real" blog I've ever made... I use tumblr, but I feel that is more about pictures then being an actual blog. So this should be interesting, but I'm super excited about this.
     Again I'm sorry about the Pre-mature blog, but I'm going to start working on it. I also think I'm going to be posting a lot more on here, and I think this is a good way for me to start channeling some of my thoughts and feelings.I hope you're all having a wonderful day and hope to start getting some feed back and support from some of you guys. Remember life is a journey so risk it all and never look back!
                              -Lady Chaos (Courtney Hodgkins)