So as you guys know I'm a full time mom, a part time worker, and a soon to be college student. So, this means I usually don't have time to enjoy a little me time or doing much fun, but in this case I got to see some of my favorites in my own state. When I heard who was coming near us, I looked at my hubby and said we need to go this is a great opportunity to see some of the music we grew up on and some new faces.
I ordered our tickets four months in advance because who knows we may not have the time to do it later down the road, and I'm so glad I did. We had a blast even though there was a little rain it wasn't going to stop us from having fun. We got there early and stayed the whole time, and had a great time just the two of us. We met some awesome new people, and this is why I enjoy going to music fest instead of a concert with one or two bands playing.

Iprevail in Bangor,Maine on August 6th. I first heard of these guys on YouTube because they did a cover of Taylor swifts blank space, but seeing them live made it so much better. They were awesome live and I'm really picky about my bands, if they don't sound as good live as they do on album but these guys killed it. They were pretty personable with their crowd, and their performance was awesome. Beyond just seeing thrm I've been tweeting pictures, and even got a direct message from thr bands Twitter which I'm going to share below. I give these guys so much credit for being the real champs.
This is the messages I've currently received from Iprevail, thank you guys for reaching out and listening to what I had to say, you're the real champs, stay classy my fiends.
The next band I have extreme appreciation for is BearTooth, I actually didn't know much about this band until a year or so ago. My younger brother had asked me if I knew who they were,which I didn't he showed me their song in between. I instantly fell inlove with the lyrics and couldn't stop listening to them, I'm a little sad I didn't get many pictures of these guys but their performance made up for that.
I hope to see these guys again because they were amazing, and thy really knew how to put on a show. Keep on rocking on guys, and always keep your head up because you're going places.

I got to see one of my all time favorite bands since high school We Came As Romans, these guys have been a big part of my life and their music has helped me a lot. It was awesome to be so close to them in my home state.I was in literal arms reach of this band, and had made contact with them several times, I'm so over joyed that I could see a super inspiring band like this, and I'm glad I got the opportunity to enjoy their music live.
This band has been around for as long as I've been alive, a whole 22 years. HateBreed, even though I've only heard very few of their songs they still put on a killer show. We weren't super close to them, but even for as close as we were we got to enjoy some awesome music. I also got so amazing pictures for not being that close. I'm glad I got to witness the performance of a band that's been around as long as they have and get to tell about it.
I hope to be able to see these guys again, they're one of the best shows I've seen in a while. It also shows with dedication and perseverance you can accomplish your dream. Keep on rocking do know you have fans even in the smallest of states.

The most exciting one ou of all is a band I grew up listening to all the way through high school, this is one band both my hubby and I were super excited to see. Killswitch Engage. I listened to so many of their songs with and without Jesse, but I have to say I'm glad I got to see Jesse perform. It was amazing we were front row and arms reach away from him.
The weather had help up all day, but jesse did holy diver as their closing song, and as soon as he was almost done it started raining. It was amazing and such an epic way to nd the set, even though it ended up closing the venue for like half an hour. Despite the storm everything opened up for the second half.
There were many bands I wasn't able to get photos of sadly because my phone had died, yes these pictures are from my phone and I'm rather proud of how they came out. I want to talk a little about th ands I didn't get photos of because they are just as important as the ones I did. Some of the other bands we saw were Memphis May Fire, alter bridge,seether,volbeat, and disturbed.
Memphis May Fire played my all time favorite song no ordinary love, which I've loved for a long time so being able to see it made my day ten times better because I wasn't expecting to hear it. Alter bridge I only knew a few songs because I hadn't listened to them much, but they did pretty well so it was an experience in itself to see them.
As for volbeat,seether, and disturbed they have always been some of my favorites seether mostly played older stuff that everyone knew so that was pretty amazing. As for volbeat and disturbed they both did a wonderful mixtures of old and new, and it was wonderful how the crowd was so interactive with both bands. I had wanted to see volbeat since the year I found out I as pregnant with my daughter so he. I found out they were coming closer I seized the opportunity. Disturbed I had wanted to see for years because I grew up listen into them as a kid with my parents, so their music was like a classic thing in my life. The best moment of th whole night was hearing disturbed play the sound of silence which is be of my all time favorite songs right now, and he rocked it I was super impressed with the set.they had a piano and live instruments,and the backdrop was brilliant.
Over all this was one of the best festivals I have been to in a long time, I will definitely be going to another rise above again. Also our state was one of the highest numbered of people and money they had seen on the whole tour so that right there is fling me that they're doing something right. I'm hoping to go again next year and get more pictures, and hear more from wonderful bands. I apologize in advance for how long this post is, but I really wanted to share my experience with you guys. Feel free to comment on this, and if you would like to see more stuff like this let me know. I finally have time to write again, and I'll be posting more often so keep an eye out.
Have a wonderful day, and if you have any good festival things to share I'm more then Illini to hear your experiences.
-Courtney (Lady Chaos 💀💋)